6 Ways to get a silent hair appointment
“Sooooo, what are you up to this weekend?”
“What have you been doing today?”
“How’s your dog going?”
“Guess where my boyfriend is taking me this weekend”
“What do you do for a living?”
Look don’t get me wrong there is still a solid place in the world for a bit of juicy hairdresser goss and a splash of therapy for the price of a haircut…
But it might surprise you to know, that as much as we love a chat…. We also don’t.
I mean, what I’m trying to say is, we go both ways.
We have full respect for your decision to have a silent hair appointment and as much as we try to educate our stylists on how to read cues…. Sometimes they get missed.
So these are my tips on how to get a silent hair appointment:
The key is to make it super clear to your stylist you’re not up for small talk or a debrief on her / his life, and you can do that with (what I think) are very clear signals;
Bring in a book and jump straight into reading it.
Magazines also work.
You can jump on your phone but I warn you, this can be mistaken for boredom and your stylist might feel tempted to entertain you (oh and please, be careful flicking through photo’s…. We can see guys… WE. CAN. SEE).
Pretend you don’t speak English
Pull out your laptop and pretend to be working.
Netflix on your phone and some headphones leave no room for mixed messages.
Failing all that, there is one way to get your silent appt. that most people don’t even consider, because you might feel likes it’s rude AF.
But we’re totally ok with it.
And that is to just straight out tell us to shut up.
When you come to my salon, J & Co, I can assure you we are totally cool with you letting us know you’re not in the mood for chit chat and you just wanna zone out with a silent hair appointment (aka chill in your own world).
It’s really that simple.
Your appointment is YOUR time….. You get to choose your own adventure.
That being said you wanna download your marriage problems, kids driving you nuts, school mum drama, secret affairs, best friends deepest darkest secrets that you just HAVE to tell someone about so might as well be your hairdresser cos – who’s she gonna tell right?
We’re also here for that.