7 Basic hair hacks you can’t live without

Well we say you can’t live without these ‘hair hacks’ but if you’re reading this…. You’re alive … despite probably NOT doing these… hair hacks…

My point is, you need these. Because not only is fabulous looking hair life changing, but so is accomplishing that without spending hours and hours in the bathroom. 

So here are my favourite hair hacks that you can’t live without;

Letting your curls ‘cool down’ before you brush them out – remember how ‘back in the day’ we would put the hair in hot rollers and wait til they cooled down before we took them out? It was called ‘setting’ the hair (for all you under 35 year olds). Well once the hair heats up, it needs to cool down in order to set in place…… otherwise your curls drop out in 5 mins. That’s why when you’re curling your hair with your hot tongs at home, you need to let it sit nice and curly and cool down before you brush them out.

Workable hair spray – Gone are the days of hair spray that was like gel and would need 6 shampoos to remove. With a workable hair spray you can layer your product as you go so get a most desirable finished look and not damage the shit out of your hair. 

Bicarb sodaUmmm, but that’s not fancy salon products we’re always told to use!! This is one of our all time fav little trade secrets. For hair that has that yucky chlorine build up or perhaps you’ve used that purple shampoo one too many times (we’ve all been there) OR maybe you’re hair is just oily AF…… A little bit of bi carb soda mixed into your shampoo makes for an excellent cleanser. 

Do not sleep with your hair treatment in – If you’re thinking that sleeping with your hair treatment in your hair will give it those luscious locks you see on tv commercials (cough… photo shopped) then head my warning….. you know when you leave a sponge in the sink and it gets full of water and if you kept soaking it in water it would get all soggy and slimy? That’s because a sponge can only absorb so much… and SO CAN YOUR HAIR. Overdoing it with the treatments can actually cause your hair more damage than good. 

Sleeping on a silk pillowcase – We assume it’s common knowledge, but if it isn’t sleeping on a silk pillowcase is worth every bit of hype it gets! It’s perfect to maintain your hairstyle, help prevent breakage, and lastly it helps with wrinkles. Who doesn’t want that?

Dry shampoo should be used from day 1 not from when your hair is already oilyShut up what???? Dry shampoo shouldn’t be used as a “fix” it’s used as a preventative. By using from the first day after you washed your hair it will make sure your oiliness stays at bay, also it helps to quickly blast in your dry shampoo with a cool hair dryer just to make sure you don’t look like you’ve run through flour. 

Substitute your conditioner for a masque – If you’re time poor like a lot of us are these days then substituting your conditioner for a hydrating mask is a great way to get that little extra kick of moisture without waiting for leg shave day. Making sure it is moisture based only! Protein/repair based treatments can over time cause brittleness and can cause your hair to go the opposite way to snap town. 

So yep, look at that, we just changed your life in one action packed blog post. Don’t forget to book your appointment with us for more life changing hair tricks.


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